HOW DOES THIS WORK is a most familiar different website, like the difference of summer and winter, we all need to know how it works.

Welcome to a Membership Website; this is a Classified Website, and this is a private Social Media Website all in one for the purpose of humanely creating passive incomes.

When anyone becomes a member of they also become a Humanitarian. The Humanitarian work done on this website is small-scale individual or person-to-person help in the form of digital $5 donations.

We only donate $5 no more and no less we call this Money Processing; digital $5 amounts are affordable to almost anyone regardless of income, a Membership is required to do Money Processing on our website.

Digital $5 amounts are the only amount of money we process for security reasons to reduce fraud, to standardize and simplify calculating the amount of money each member has circulating digitally.

Each member needs to place a Classified Ad in one of our unique “Help Me AD” categories asking for $5 donations from other members.

The most important work done on is humanely responding to Classified “Help Me Ads” with digital $5 amounts, that easily and rapidly makes sense because all members pick a category to post Classified “Help Me ADs”.  

Our Social-Media is married to our Classifieds as a communications tool between members of Humanitarians website, anyone can imagine there could be plenty of reasons to communicate with other members on our private platform.

We use the bank app Zelle, because it’s fast, safe, and effortless sending digital $5 amounts directly between almost any bank accounts in the U.S. The law requiring certain networks to provide 1099K forms does not apply to Zelle.

We are Humanitarians humanely helping other members solve their personal financial needs in small-scale amounts, combined small-scale amounts can become large enough to make a huge difference.

When Members receive digital $5 amounts the effect will cause members to “feel good inside” money is an emotional tool we all understand very well.

When we receive money, we feel good that causes us to think good thoughts, which causes us to feel good, this repetition of feeling good then thinking good thoughts attract good things into our lives.

Energy, Frequency, Vibration, we always vibrate, we are emitting a signal to the Universe vibrationally, that signal is how we really, really, really feel, our emotions, that literally comes from our hearts, we can’t fake it to the Universe.

However, we cannot always recognize the vibration from someone else, ever hear it asked, “do you feel me”, or said, “we are not on the same vibe”, we always receive our vibrational match from the Universe this is the Law-of-Attraction.

The membership offered on is our Reality Membership we think of it as a “Good Feeling Generator” opening a new nonbusiness bank account indicate you are expecting to receive some money.

It’s your right to feel good, we are connecting to your reality in a unique fun exciting way.

Potential members notice the setup process requirements are security and privacy oriented, together our mission is to have new nonbusiness bank accounts to money process out of and new clean email addresses you never used before attached to your new nonbusiness bank accounts.

You should try to never use an existing bank account. Classifieds is a special place, and a membership is required to place an AD, our members are determined to correct their personal economies.

 You can follow our Quick-Start-Guide.