Because the most valuable thing we have is time, we all have 24 hours in a day, so we should all have nearly the same amount of money, but that is not true.

Some of us have learned how to make money when we are not working, a process to earn money any time, this process is a Passive Income. It takes effort to find a way to make money 24/7.

Most financially successful people have passive incomes, in our lives we would have opportunities to have a second income, but if we turn the opportunities down, working 8 or more-hour shifts is the normal and only income.

(A.I.) Artificial Intelligence, thousands of jobs will be replaced by A.I., Autonomous Technology, Walmart has started using driverless trucks, self-checkout is a “service robot” to reduce labor costs, some type of (UBI) Universal Basic Income will be needed. 

The way we move money in and out of our reality is a process, money is in constant circulation, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. We receive money for our experience, when we pay our bills, the money circulation stops, we could say that money dead ends.

Hump4cash.com changes the way your money circulates into your reality. With H4cmp.com Reality Membership your money is strategically processed through your bills and processed back to the members that processed the money to you.

One day in April for example, ten members humanely process digital $5 amounts to you, ten members expect you will process digital $5 amounts back to them eventually, you process seven of those digital $5 amounts to pay one of your bills.

You paid one of your bills, you didn’t work 8 hours, you didn’t get a loan, you didn’t borrow any money, in August for example, you returned Money Processed digital $5 amounts that you received in April.

We sale our time our most valued asset working 8 to12 hour shifts to pay our bills, the money earned stops circulating when the lender gets paid. With a Hump4cash.com Reality Membership, any bills or financial need you have can be turned into an income.

Imagine the advantage of processing digital $5 amounts received from your Hump4cash.com Reality Membership to pay your bills then eventually money processing that digital $5 amount back to your online community of humanitarian family and friends that processed it to you.

Digital $5 amounts are not loans, digital $5 amounts are not borrowed money it’s processed money circulating, it doesn’t stop.

Think of it as in orbit like our largest planet Jupiter, the money is circulating back to where it came from, no member is giving away money indefinitely.

 When we attend College for comparison, we are in a circulating pattern we return to a specific place in space and time over and over to improve our life’s experiences our realities.

You should not lose any digital $5 amount, the total digital $5 amounts in circulation for your email address would be digital $5 amounts received plus the digital $5 amounts you processed answering Ads. 

When you process digital $5 amounts back to members that answered your Ad that digital $5 amount is subtracted from the total digital $5 amounts in your circulation, because you finished processing the digital $5 amount for what you needed it for.

With an average of three digital $5 amounts processed daily into your new email address over a 30-day period from members you would have received $450 during that month.

Learn to increase your daily digital $5 amount processed average, you can do the math.

Let’s take a closer informative look at “How does this work” and expand your knowledge of how to earn a Passive Income with a Hump4cash.com Membership.